


人 遇难,374643人受伤,17923人失踪;五年后的今天,是汶川地震五周年,而我们并没有多少机会来庆幸“灾难已经过去,美好新生活即将开启”,相反 地,我们不得不再次揭开五年前的伤疤,回忆起遍地的哀嚎跟笼罩全国的沉重气氛。因为,芦山地震又来了。据中国地震台网测定,北京时间2013年4月20日 8时02分46秒,在四川省雅安市芦山县龙门乡、宝胜乡、太平镇交界发生里氏7.0级地震,共计造成196人死亡,失踪21人,11470人受伤,并且余 震不断。
更 令笔者深感讽刺的是,今天是母亲节,而一个在五年前的汶川地震中失去了自己儿子的母亲,五年后的芦山地震又夺走了她的女儿。在满世界的儿女都在网上晒自己 给母亲送的鲜花、礼物或是贴脸亲密照,祝母亲节日快乐的时候,真不知道那个母亲是怎样熬过这样的一天的――不去思念自己相继失去的骨肉,不去怀念儿女绕膝 的天伦之乐,不去质问命运的不公。
为 了让类似的悲剧不再重演,在汶川地震之后国务院还曾决定将每年5月12日定为全国防灾减灾日。灾难逃生知识的普及固然是至关重要的,但在以往的灾难中,更 多情况下是因为在灾难发生后,人员的疏导混乱无章,才导致了更多的生命无法挽回。在笔者看来,应该双管齐下,在加强防灾知识普及的同时,规避自然灾害和人 为灾难方面的硬件设施也要有所加强。交通信号灯能将川流不息的人潮车流指挥地有条不紊,在灾难频发的地区,人口密集的场所(如学校、商场、写字楼等),与 灾难逃生相关的标牌标识也应起到相应的作用。逃生的标牌标识如果设置得简单、显眼、明确,将会在灾难发生的时候,在疏散、疏导人群,帮助人们寻找合适逃生 线路、场所方面发挥极其重要的作用,从而挽救更多可爱的生命。
当 然,对于从事标识标牌设计制作的企业来说,怎样才能设计出更加合理有用的产品,在取得经济利益的同时,给予在灾难中的人们更多理性的引导,也是一个非常严 肃的课题。美景创意作为中部地区标牌标识行业的标杆,我们遵循行业标准化,我们注重标识牌与生命的链接。衷心希望由美景创意制造的灾难逃生标牌标识在不远 的未来,能为灾难中的人们在指引一条绿色生命通道方面扮演更加重要的角色。


Finding Cheap WoW Gold On the net.

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Since the world of Warcraft is one of the most popular PC game now, many wow players want to get the highest level as soon as possible. So they are eager to find a good guild ofmaking. I do think the guides we offer you are quite good because we have gained many feedbacks from our clients. So, you can also trust our website to get more information.
Farming for WoW gold is but one of the more challenging elements of this online game, as the online game's economic system is regulated and you're up against a legion of many other player characters all attempting to do the same task. The simple truth is, this strategy is important to the online game, as it's an example of the most efficient ways of acquiring items, enchants, and mounts. Despite the fact that farming gold in World of Warcraft is challenging for most players, when they arrive at a specific amount and purchase their 1st significant item, they are going to feel how great the video game actually is. You will find several areas in the game which are most suitable for this.  

Spending time on such places assures avid gamers they will acquire a very good amount of WoW gold successfully. Some online players complement this with buying cheap WoW gold coming from third-party sites. It's an effective way to get hold of a considerable amount of WoW gold much easier, making your character much more powerful inside a faster amount of time. Just be sure you buy WoW gold coming from a trustworthy and verified web-site.
One particular great area to start off farming WoW gold is Azshara. Azshara is ideal for online players who simply want to relax and are also alright with investing hours just farming WoW gold. Usually, you are going to be able to farm cash and the occasional rune cloth dropped by the many blood elves in the realm. You can then market the items you've farmed for cash. The demons found in the location certainly are a great source of WoW gold too. Despite the fact that they are a lot more challenging to destroy, these demons occasionally drop epic items.
The Eastern Plaguelands is one more great area in World of Warcraft for farming. Head directly for the crypt of the Undercroft and start off eliminating zombies for gold. A lot of these zombies are pretty quick to kill and occasionally drop unique items.

For groups that are looking to work with each other, Dire Maul Tribute is really a marvelous location to begin. It is actually an exceptional farming area for groups, particularly for the tribute runs. Being a party, it might be easy for every body to farm massive quantities of WoW gold within this area of the game, and you'll find it a very addicting group farming place. Stratholme is an additional great farming place for groups. There is a lot of gold to be farmed, and only will take around 30 minutes to finish.
Buying cheap WoW gold combined with farming tends to make it super easy for almost any game player to amass an amount of gold for special items and enchants. Don't forget to buy WoW gold from internet sites who have been advised by other avid gamers to ensure you Tat the purchases are secure. Farming gold and getting cheap WoW gold has worked well for many gamers since World of WarCraft's inception. There's no justification why you shouldn't be actively taking part in this efficient technique for obtaining WoW gold. Acquiring your one of a kind items and mounts is faster in this way, allowing you to enjoy the game more each time you sign in.
From here, I believe you must have a better understanding about World of Warcraft. And also, you may have a new plan of yourmaking during your game. Actually we will launch more activities for the wow gold buying according to different situation of the game. Wish you have a nice time and good luck.


WoW Gold Guide - Learn how to Become Rich in World of Warcraft.

Since the world of Warcraft is one of the most popular PC game now, many wow players want to get the highest level as soon as possible. So they are eager to find a good guild ofmaking. I do think the guides we offer you is quite good because we have gained many feedbacks from our clients. So, you can also trust our website to get more information.
In the game, World of Warcraft, you need to remember that having gold (currency in the world of Warcraft) will increase your chances of being successful.wow Gold will have a major effect on your game play as it will be your tool to purchase the latest weapons and also purchase different kinds of skills for your character to learn.
Perfecting your character means that you will need a lot of gold to do so. Basically, you will be able to earn gold by killing monsters and also through trade. However, you need to remember that this is not the only way to earn gold in the game. So, here are some tips to get rich quick in the world of Warcraft.
The first tip is that you should get a profession early in the game. With a profession, you will be able to have the advantage over other characters as you will be raking in the gold faster then they can and you will also be able to purchase more powerful weapons and armor to help you level up faster and also to improve your character. The two kinds of professions that is highly recommended and are very good in getting gold is mining and skinning.
Skinning refers to killing animals and other creatures in the world of Warcraft game. When you kill animals and other creatures, you will be able to skin the animals and sell the to AI vendors or also to other players with profit. The great thing about this is that as you kill animals and creatures, you will not only profit from it, but you will also level up your character.
The mining profession is also a gold raking profession that will definitely give you some profit. As you play, you will come across prosperous mineral ores. Normally, you will run into these ores in caves. You also need to remember that there are different kinds of minerals in the game and some are very high in demand and very valuable that can earn you lots of gold.
Another great way to earn gold in World of Warcraft is by taking on quests. You will normally be given quests by AI characters which differ from level to level. The great thing about taking on quests is that not only will you gain experience from killing monsters while you are on the quest, but will also help you gain some great items and money. This is great for players who want to level up faster and also get richer.
Of course, as you level up, you will need new gears in order for you to become more effective in killing monsters. More powerful gears will get more expensive. This is why it is important for you to invest wisely on the gears you purchase. For characters that are in levels 1 to 40, it is highly recommended that you should not invest a lot of money on gears and items. This will enable you to save money to let you buy more powerful gears, items and skills.
These are the things that you need to remember when you are playing World of Warcraft. With this in mind, you will be able to get rich and also level up faster in the game.

From here, I believe you must have a better understanding about World of Warcraft. And also, you may have a new plan of yourmaking during your game. Actually we will launch more activities for the wow gold buying according to different situation of the game. Wish you have a nice time and good luck.


How to buy Wow Gold Without Your account Banned.

How To buy Wow Gold Without Account Banned From online Website? In addition to farmonline, there is another way to get it, that is, buy wow gold from the online wow gold stores.

There have been thousands of websites offering wow gold if you search online, however, not all of them are safe place to buy wow gold. There have been an equal number of sites that made a lot of promises, but do not deliver fast or even getting your accounts banned. Buying Wow gold online is a risky business, especially if you have a well established Wow account with excellent kits. There are many scams or rip-off websites that just want to take your money. It is difficult to decide which site you should choose to buy wow gold.
The first thing you need to consider before buying wow gold online is what kind of customer service they offer. Every wow gold supplier website have live service button marked in their home page, but not everyone have the really 24H/365D live service. Before making a purchase, try to use their customer service and ask the basic order process. A big wowgold(wow gold-team. com) supplier company will provice you the professional advice even contact you face to face via telephone. This will give you some confidence before making a purchase decision.
Another thing you need to do to protect your account was use the third party payment tool. Such as paypal and money book. Using PayPal is normally a safe option and good way of telling if a Wow gold website is a good place to buy discount. This is because PayPal is very strict about customer complaints and whose customer protectionism is very good about refunding money if customer can't received theri gold.
Third, don't buy wow gold in huge quantities as this will get you on the radar with Blizzard GMs which may investigate and ban your account for the reason of wow gold buying banned. And since there are only a few items in the world of Warcraft Economy that are worth more than 3, 000 gold, if you need lots of gold then just buy wow gold a bit more frequently but practice caution. Buying wow gold everyday is risky, every week or every other week is much safer.
Finally, Choose a big and professional website, such as PBT online ( wow gold-team ), who is found from 2006 year and always provide pure-hand farm wow gold to wow players, never get any feedback from customer that whose account been banned. From this website you can buy the cheapest fastest and cheapest.


Buy WoW Gold to get to Higher levels More quickly.

Since the world of Warcraft is one of the most popular PC game now, many wow players want to get the highest level as soon as possible. So they are eager to find a good guild ofmaking. I do think the guides we offer you are quite good because we have gained many feedbacks from our clients. So, you can also trust our website to get more information.
Farming is among the ways to get the gold you'll want to raise the level of your game. As being he primary way of gaining game resources, proper farming is crucial in obtaining World of Warcraft gold. Constant farming also gives experience points to player heroes, slowly helping them in getting their levels up. However, this can take quite some time. That's something you may not have if you are looking to get to another World of Warcraft level quickly.
However, when you buy WoW gold, you will get to a higher level a lot faster than you would be capable of by simply farming. It is primarily since with more gold, you could have access to stronger items, enchants, and consumables earlier in the game which in turn can assist you with a lot more farming and getting more experience. Generally, the harder you farm for gold, the more experience points you'll be gaining. This can be achieved if you buy World of Warcraft gold.
That's why a lot of gamers elect to buy WoW gold. Gamers who do this have found that they are capable of getting to the next level faster when they do this. WoW players who buy World of Warcraft gold straight from online distributors can have access to more resources than usual. Because of that, they can provide their characters with increased options and items to survive in the game and handle more obstacles for further experience points. Once you buy WoW gold, the rise in resources will help you do a lot of other stuff in the game that can help your character arrive at the next level much quicker. This can help you enjoy the game a lot more.
Getting to the next level faster, a gamer character will begin to behave differently in the game. More abilities become readily available. Better items will also be carried at higher levels, making the game much more interesting for avid online gamers. A player character's profession can also be affected by their current level, and is essential in going back to making more World of Warcraft gold for even better items and mounts. Normally, the more gold a gamer has available, the more chances there are for acquiring more powerful weapons, armor, and epic mounts.
Getting a character to get to a higher level faster can enhance the entire gaming experience for just about any player. With the several options of leveling up faster, such as the option to buy WoW gold, plenty of gamers have witnessed that it's possible to catch up to higher-level friends easily.
From here, I believe you must have a better understanding about World of Warcraft. And also, you may have a new plan of your wow gold making during your game. Actually we will launch more activities for thebuying according to different situation of the game. Wish you have a nice time and good luck.


Plenty WoW Gold, How to Catch It?

Since the world of Warcraft is one of the most popular PC game now, many wow players want to get the highest level as soon as possible. So they are eager to find a good guild ofmaking. I do think the guides we offer you are quite good because we have gained many feedbacks from our clients. So, you can also trust our website to get more information.

Then you search online, you will find there are so many wow gold selling websites existing. I know it is hard to choose a trustable website; the list of question was come out: Is it safe? Is it cheap? Are your account will be banned after you trading the wow gold?

When you choose a wow gold website, you'd better focus below several points:
1. Professional website or not.
It is easy to identify a website professional or not, big wow gold supplier should have enough fund and advanced technique in website maintenance and updated, when you click a website but whose home page was so disarray, and the whole web frame work was disorder, then you can give up purchasing in this website. Since onetime when i come into a wow gold website, there are two ad pictures superposing in a checking page. But if you come to Wowgoldth. com, you will find the whole page design was very professional, who have more than 10 experienced engineers updating the website everyday!
2. Cheaper price and safe or not.
So many small website always say they are the cheapest wow gold supplier, even could provide the price lower than cost price, how can it happen? You can think about the wow gold source. That is also why Blizzard GM always investigates the cheating wow gold case, because scammer can provide you the cheapest wow gold without cost, so you will the banned account owner if you buy wow gold from this supplier. So now, you need Wowgoldth. com, who has many years' legit wow gold selling experiences. Actually, the price from Wowgoldth. com is not the cheapest, but the safest! Since Wowgoldth. com have a lot of full time employee to farm wow gold by pure hand, the really safe wow gold. If you buy wow gold from Wowgoldth. com, only one thing that can make sure, which is your account will never been banned!
3. Customer service?
The simple ordering process, the instant way of delivery, face to face trading in game, Wowgoldth. com always provide the best customer service for every player! So many online chatting services will give you a unique, warm feeling, but make you waiting your gold several hours later. From Wowgoldth. com, you will enjoy the outstanding service via call or mail or MSN or live chat. Whatever questions you about world of warcraft, you just contact Wowgoldth. com. Once you order in Wowgoldth. com, you will cheer for your best choice.
From here, I believe you must have a better understanding about World of Warcraft. And also, you may have a new plan of yourmaking during your game. Actually we will launch more activities for the wow gold buying according to different situation of the game. Wish you have a nice time and good luck.


Plenty WoW Gold, How to Catch It?

my friend Ruthy Loves buy wow account so i figured i would get her these silly things.. i love buy wow account myself, these are quite the best pick as a gift. i realized that these buy wow account can be a Fashion Hazard,
I loved these buy wow account, I recieved some many comments on how cute they looked. Can be worn with many outfits, I absolutely love them and don't ever want to take them off!!!

Since the world of Warcraft is one of the most popular PC game now, many wow players want to get the highest level as soon as possible. So they are eager to find a good guild ofmaking. I do think the guides we offer you are quite good because we have gained many feedbacks from our clients. So, you can also trust our website to get more information.
Then you search online, you will find there are so many wow gold selling websites existing. I know it is hard to choose a trustable website; the list of question was come out: Is it safe? Is it cheap? Are your account will be banned after you trading the wow gold?
When you choose a wow gold website, you'd better focus below several points:
1. Professional website or not.
It is easy to identify a website professional or not, big wow gold supplier should have enough fund and advanced technique in website maintenance and updated, when you click a website but whose home page was so disarray, and the whole web frame work was disorder, then you can give up purchasing in this website. Since onetime when i come into a wow gold website, there are two ad pictures superposing in a checking page. But if you come to Wowgoldth. com, you will find the whole page design was very professional, who have more than 10 experienced engineers updating the website everyday!
2. Cheaper price and safe or not.

So many small website always say they are the cheapest wow gold supplier, even could provide the price lower than cost price, how can it happen? You can think about the wow gold source. That is also why Blizzard GM always investigates the cheating wow gold case, because scammer can provide you the cheapest wow gold without cost, so you will the banned account owner if you buy wow gold from this supplier. So now, you need Wowgoldth. com, who has many years' legit wow gold selling experiences. Actually, the price from Wowgoldth. com is not the cheapest, but the safest! Since Wowgoldth. com have a lot of full time employee to farm wow gold by pure hand, the really safe wow gold. If you buy wow gold from Wowgoldth. com, only one thing that can make sure, which is your account will never been banned!
3. Customer service?
The simple ordering process, the instant way of delivery, face to face trading in game, Wowgoldth. com always provide the best customer service for every player! So many online chatting services will give you a unique, warm feeling, but make you waiting your gold several hours later. From Wowgoldth. com, you will enjoy the outstanding service via call or mail or MSN or live chat. Whatever questions you about world of warcraft, you just contact Wowgoldth. com. Once you order in Wowgoldth. com, you will cheer for your best choice.
From here, I believe you must have a better understanding about World of Warcraft. And also, you may have a new plan of yourmaking during your game. Actually we will launch more activities for the wow gold buying according to different situation of the game. Wish you have a nice time and good luck.
